Founder of New “MumzHub” and Mathrusakhi Foundation.
Healthy Mother and Baby Educator, Wellness Expert, Motivational Speaker, Parental Advisor,Relationship Counsellor and Expertise writer. Social Entrepreneur.
A Socialpreneur born and brought up in Hyderabad. Graduated in dentistry from NTR University with distinction.She move to New Zealand after marriage along with her husband. She then Pursuit dentistry in New Zealand and was in fact four among 50 students who have cleared the exam.
Despite her achievements in dentistry she felt something was amiss. She successfully completed business and hospital administration in New Zealand again with distinction. Received a special award introduced for her by the OTAGO Polytechnic.
Both her kids were born in New Zealand and in fact her second baby was born in car where she had to deliver the kid by herself. She was labelled Super Mom by the community of OTAGO and Dunedin Public Hospital.
Having to raise her two kids by her own in nuclear family in New Zealand away from home besides juggling professional and family life, she understands the hardships that young mother’s go through, especially first time mothers.After coming back to India she again pursued business and hospital administration from Apollo Hospitals.
Her passion led her to take the big step to help young mothers. Since coming back and whilst working in Hospital Administration, she was able to guide her friends and relatives who were going through the same difficulties as she had to in New Zealand. These talks motivated her to start up an organisation for young mothers with New born babies.
Overwhelmed by the success of this programme, Dr Hasini has spread her wings to address any issues relating to motherhood from any aged mothers- perhaps motherhood is a life time work filled with challenges at every stage.She now is practising as Healthy Mother and Child Educator, Motivationalspeaker, Wellness Expert, Parenting Advisor and Expertise writer.