Cherishing Every Opportunity

New “MumzHub” and Mathrusakhi Foundation was started in Jan 2017, with an intention to guide new mothers and allay their fears and make it a memorable first year.
With the overwhelming response, we have expanded our horizon to facilitate every issue related to a motherhood including Selfcare, Healthcare, Emotional care and overall Well-being of a Mother. This being a very sensitive and unexplored field where mothers didn’t know whom to approach and where to get advice. This motivated us to enter this enchanted territory and be that helping hand needed for mothers to introspect and provide confidentiality at the same time.
Mumz hub is unique in the sense that this is not a clinical setup for them to feel that something is wrong with them, rather we provide a friendly advisory where women appreciate and learn to tackle issues concerning them with confidence.

We conduct Workshops, Sessions and Consultations for the same to Educate, Encourage and Create Awareness for Mothers.